How to Pick the Right Diamond Art Kit

pick the right diamond art kit

There are just so many different diamond art kits out there that it can be difficult to pinpoint exactly which one you should start with. There are some factors you may already be thinking about when you go to pick out the best diamond art kit, but there are some you might not be thinking of as well.

I want you to be able to enjoy your diamond art painting as much as possible, and picking the right kit is a big part of that. Your purchase should fill you with joy and not regret, so with that in mind, here are a few things to consider as you try to pick the best one.

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Pick Ethically Sourced Art

The sad truth about the art of any kind is that sometimes people will steal it and then not pay the artist responsible for it. This happens with music, digital art, video games, and movies all the time, especially in an age where streaming content is so easy to find.

Stolen art is a problem for diamond art paintings as well. The art you see being used to sell you a diamond painting may not always be licensed. That unlicensed art does not give the original artist credit or payment for their work. So, while some other website may have paid the artist for the painting you are buying, another website may not have. They might have simply stolen the art and be trying to make a profit off of it, which is detestable. Make sure that whenever you buy your diamond art form, the works are fully licensed.

Choose a Complete Kit

Did you know that it is common practice for diamond art kits to include everything you need to complete the entire project in the kit? Every kit you buy should include not just the canvas to “paint” on but also all of the diamonds for the canvas, as well as a diamond painting pen, a tray to store diamonds in, and some wax to dip the pen in. Some of them even include tweezers and other tools to make the painting process easier.

Diamond Painting Accessories

That is what a typical kit should look like, but not all diamond painting kits include everything I just listed. Some of them are bare-bones kits that are just a means to save as much money for the manufacturer as possible. If your kit does not include everything you need to complete the project, then you are being ripped off. Be sure you check the contents before you order and then examine the contents once your kit arrives in the mail to ensure everything is accounted for.

Choose Square or Round Diamonds

Diamonds can be classified into two simple categories- round or square drill. There is more to the two options besides just that they look a little different. Yes, the square ones will appear different from the round ones, but they also function differently.

(Image from Google)

If you are new to diamond painting, then you may not realize that round diamonds are considered easier to place onto the canvas, while square diamonds are considered a more advanced type of diamond. So, amateurs may want to start with the round ones and then upgrade to square diamonds later on. The round ones simply place more easily, and you do not have to be as exact when you place them. The square ones are a bit trickier, but many people prefer them because of the pleasant clicking sound they make when placed. People also like how they cover the entire canvas area rather than leave some empty spaces like the round ones do.

Choose Something You Love

All of the aspects of picking your diamond painting we have talked about so far are important, but none are as important as choosing something you really care about. The picture that makes up the painting is what will bring you the most joy and keep you interested in finishing your diamond painting.

Whether you are making a diamond art house or a diamond unicorn, you get to decide what kind of painting you want to make and what kind of art you paint. This is one of the thrills of the diamond art painting- you can choose from thousands of options and find something that really speaks to you or that gets you excited to be painting.

Them once you have finished with your painting, you can go and do it all over again. The thrill of hunting down the perfect painting and picking out your favorite piece of art cannot be overstated. It is a big part of what makes this such an enticing hobby for many people. With so many choices out there, you will never run out of options for great fun.

A diamond art house or shop stores hundreds of different paintings, and then these shops update their inventory regularly to keep customers interested. As this hobby continues to grow more popular, you can be sure suppliers are always looking for new art to display and sell. They want to pull in new customers and keep their current customers coming back and wondering what new items are for sale.

choosing kits

Choosing the best diamond art painting for you is going to be a lot of fun and will be your first step toward painting something spectacular. But I suggest taking your time and looking at the different factors so that you pick something you are going to enjoy “painting” and that you will cherish for years to come.

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