7 Must-Have 5D diamond painting accessories for your next project


A diamond painting project becomes easier and a lot more enjoyable when you have the right tools for the job. Just like with any other tasks, without the right tools, your DIY diamond painting will take forever to finish. Luckily for you, we have compiled all the must-have 5d diamond painting accessories you will ever need to have an easy-breezy and fun diamond painting activity! Read on to check if you have everything in our list.

Checklist for 5D diamond painting
(Checklist Image by Glenn Carstens-Peters from Unsplash)

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Granted that when you purchase your very own DIY Diamond painting kit, your canvas comes with a small diamond painting tool kit. Usually you get the following:

  • a slim pink applicator pen,
  • a small red strip of wax,
  • a mini green tray, and of course,
  • your diamonds in neat little packets.

But all of these are just the basic tools! These tools are good, yes, but they’re not really the long-term kind of tools. They are more like the “training wheels” of the diamond painting world — and if you want to enter the pro-game, sooner or later you’ll have to trade in the training wheels for more expert-level equipment.

Different tools for 5D Diamond Painting
(Basic Diamond Painting Tool Kit Image Sourced from Pinterest)

If you are looking into crafting more 5d diamond painting canvasses or you have decided to adapt the hobby long-term, then you might want to check out these amazing 5d diamond painting accessories:

1. Ergonomic Drill Pen

Diamond painting is a long-term activity — one that requires you to sit for hours picking drills up and sticking them unto the canvas. With a comfortable 5d diamond painting accessory, these long hours will be enjoyable. Without it, your hands may suffer from cramps due to long hours of gripping the thin plastic drill pen.

Hence, you might want to invest in ergonomic applicator tools. These pens are thick and shaped to match the natural curve of your hands. This way, you don’t need to exert much pressure into gripping your pen which in turn relaxes your hands. Plus they come in amazingly vibrant colors that matches your personality!

The pen also come with a dual-tip where one end can apply a single drill at a time while the other end can hold multiple drills at a time. The multi-drill tip can carry 3, 6 or up to 9 drills at a time. This is the perfect tool if you want comfort and quick efficiency in crafting your diamond paintings.

Ergonomic Drill Pen for Diamond Painting
( Ergonomic Drill Pen Image Sourced from Etsy )

2. A Small Balm of Wax

Although your diamond painting kit already comes with a small strip of wax, this small bit isn’t usually enough (not to mention easy to misplace!) if you’re working on a big project or you would often take small quick breaks from painting.

Despite its small size, the wax is one of the most important tools in diamond painting — it is literally the glue that keeps it all together. Without it, it would be near impossible to pick up the drills in a smooth and seamless way.

Thus, you can never go wrong with having a small balm of wax around. This cute wax comes in a resealable lip balm casing so you can be sure that your wax will stay fresh and sticky for a long period of time. Its cute design also ensures that its easy to spot and hard to misplace.

Painting Wax Pot for Diamond Painting
( Diamond Painting Wax Pot Image Sourced from Pinterest )

3. Extra Canvas Glue

On another note, extra canvas glue often comes in handy when you find your canvas not as sticky as when you’ve first opened it. This usually happens when dirt, lint, hand prints (or worse — hand sweat!) find their way into an opened portion of your canvas.

But fret not! This mistake is very common among diamond painting artists. Thus, you can use extra canvas glue to make the surface good as new. Simple slap some of these bad boys on patches that lost their “stick” and (voila!) they’ll be as sticky as thick honey!

Canvas Glue for Diamond Painting
( Extra Canvas Glue Image sourced from Etsy )

4. Frames

Frames are the perfect accessory if you want to proudly display your diamond painting projects. You can go for simple frames with thin borders and solid colors. But you can also go crazy and go for ones with bold colors and intricate detailing in thick wide borders. The choice is up to you!

Diamond painting is not only a hobby to pass the time but it can also be a lucrative activity if you want to sell your finished products as decorations. Or maybe you just want to keep them to yourself and hang them around the house to gaze at admiringly.

Framing your diamond painting is as simple as painting a photo of your loved ones. However, be sure to skip putting in the glass panelling as it tends to dull the shine of your diamond painting masterpiece!

Frames for Canvas Diamond Painting
(Image by Jonny Caspari from Unsplash)

5. Roller Tools

Roller tools are the perfect 5d diamond painting accessories for when your drills won’t stick to the canvas glue. Simply roll these tools all over your finished canvas and apply enough pressure to press on the drills.

This tool is perfect for flattening out your painting giving them a smooth and even surface. This accessory is best used when you are prepping your paintings up to be framed. Roller tools also makes sure that your drills are secured tightly in the canvas (so that they won’t fall out easily!).

Roller for Diamond Painting
(Colorful Roller Tool Image by David Pisnoy from Unsplash)

6. Storage Kit

Diamond Painting drills are often as small as an inkblot so its super easy to misplace them. Also, they usually come in small little plastic packets so once you open them, its hard to reseal them. Chances are, they can easily fall open, explode and make a mess everywhere! This is where drill storage kits come into picture.

This neat little organizing tool ensures that you have a safe, secure storage space for all your diamond painting drills. This long-term storage is clear and see-through so it will be easy for you to identify which color is which. If you want to neatly organize those little diamonds for future paintings, then this is the perfect 5d diamond painting accessories for you!

Storage Case for Diamond Beads
( Diamond Storage Case Image sourced from Amazon )

7. Light Pad

If you have been painting with diamonds for a long time, then you can probably relate with the experience of having your visions blur due to staring at the small codes and drills for long periods of time.

It also doesn’t help if you keep finding yourself working with your project well into the night. Working with your diamonds on dimly-lit areas can also cause eye strain since you will need to squint to see the codes properly.

If you find yourself relating to any of the experiences above then maybe it’s time to get a light pad. Just slip one of these under your canvas and it will light up like fireworks on the 4th of July. The extra lighting will help reduce eye strain and make the symbols appear clearer.

Light Pad for Canvas
(Diamond Painting Light Pad Image sourced from Amazon)

Can’t wait to try out these awesome 5d diamond painting accessories? Order your very own DIY diamond painting kit on our website and get started on a project of your own. You might want to check out our collection of diamond painting accessories while you’re at it so you can enjoy the full experience of diamond painting for yourself!

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